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Zhang Guowang
发布人:  发布时间:2020-12-10   点击数:366

Associate Professor

Research Field: Social Theory, Sociology of Law, Law and Literature

Course: Social Theory, Introduction of Law and Literature, Law and Society

Education background

2010.9-2013.7  PhD of Law, Legal Theory Studies, TsingHua University

2006.9-2009.7  Master of Law, Legal Theory Studies, TsingHua University

2002.9-2006.7  BOM, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Work experience

2019.11— present China University of Political Science and Law, Associate Professor

2017.12—2019.11 University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor

2013.07—2017.12 China Youth University of Political Studies, Assistant Professor

Overseas experience

2012. 08-2013.02 Department of Social Science, The University of Chicago, Visiting Scholar

Academic Awards

2014, The honorary title of Hope Talents awarded by Public Welfare Foundation of Global Times

2019, The honorary title of  ShiHeng Young Scholar awarded by Yunnan Shiheng Foundation

Representative Article

1.Natural Power of Solitary Individual’s Morality: Rousseau On Property, Marriage and Morality, Journal of Social Theory, Vol.1, 2020.

2.Rousseauian Politics of People and Its Internal Structure, Journal of Yunnan University, vol.6, 2020.

3.The Representation and Protection of Moeurs: Rousseau's Social Theory of Roman Constitutions, Sociological Studies, vol.6, 2018.

4.Taste, Reflection and Body: Rousseau On the Relationship between Moeurs and Modern Individual, Sociological Studies, vol.4, 2014.

5.The Common Life of Solitary Individuals: What Is the Natural Society? Society, vol.6, 2016.

6.Constitutional Oath, Sovereignty of The People and Political Ethics of The Ruling Party, Global Law Review, vol.6, 2016.

7.Production, Practice and Governance of Individuals: Hobbes' Epistemological Teaching and Its individual Significance, Academia Bimestrie, Vol.5, 2018.

8.Must Defend The Social Life: Redefine The Domain of Rousseau’s Thought, Academic Exchanges, Vol.8, 2015.

Research Project

1.Preside Over A Later Project Founded by National Social Science Foundation: Nature and Politics In Modern Society: The Inner Movement of Rousseau's Political Thought" (17FZZ012),  

2.Preside Over A Youth Fund Project Founded by Ministry of Education Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Theory of Human Nature and Legal Thought of Rousseau(15YJC820075).

3.Preside Over A Project of Beijing Social Science Fund: The Political Philosophy of Rousseau(15ZXC019).

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