saba sport

发布人:  发布时间:2020-12-10   点击数:

Department of Psychology, School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law, 27 Fu Xue Road, Changping District, Beijing, China 102249


Research Interests

Dr. Zhuo Zhang’s primary research focus is on the neuropsychological dysfunction associated with behavioral problems, particularly aggressive behavior and substance abuse.

2004-2008 Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science

2002-2004 The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in Psychology

1997-2002 Peking University, Health Science Center, B.S. in Medicine

Work experience
2014-present Associate Professor in School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law

2008-2014 Lecturer in School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law

2015-2016 Visiting scholar at National Institutes of Mental Health and University of Nebraska Medical Center, US

Representative Publications

1. Ma A., Zhang, Z. (2017) The Criminal Justice System of China. In: Trends in Legal Advocacy: Interviews with Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Lawyers Across the Globe, Volume One (Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons) (Goodman-Delahunty J; Das Dk, eds). CRC Press.

2. Yang, B., Dai, J.H., Zhang, Z., Zhao, H. (Eds). (2015) Drug Abuse and Psychological Rehabilitation, China University of Political Science and Law Press.

3. Zhang, Z. (2014) Neuropsychological Research of Aggression and Violent Crime, China University of Political Science and Law Press.

4. Yang, B., Zhang, Z. (Eds). (2012) Criminal Psychology, Kaiming Press.

Journal Articles

1. Wang, Q., Sui, LN., Hu P., Zhang, Z. &Yang B. (2019).Behavior characteristics of violent criminals in interpersonal cooperation tasks. Chinese Mental Health Journal. 33 (12): 912-917.

2. Wang, Q., Huang X., Yang B., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Traits of decision making in psychopathic traits offenders under different tasks. Chinese Mental Health Journal. c

3. Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Song, P., & Yang, B. (2017). Differences in Inhibitory Control between Impulsive and Premeditated Aggression in Juvenile Inmates. [Original Research]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11(373). doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00373

4. Zhao, H., Yang, B., Zhu, Q., Zhang, G., Xiao, Y., Guo, X., Huang, X., Zhang, Z. (2017). Eye Movement Evidence of Attentional Bias for Substance-Related Cues in Heroin Dependents on Methadone Maintenance Therapy. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(4), 527-534. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2016.1264967

5. Zhao, H., Yang, B., Zhu, Q., Zhang, G. Q., Xiao, Y. Q., Guo, X., Huang, X., Zhang, Z. (2016). The Pre-attentional Bias on Drug-related Cues in Heroin Dependent Patients. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24(5), 795-799.

6. Zhang, Z., Wang, Q., Huang, X., Yang, B. (2016). Executive function in violent offenders with psychopathy. Studies of Psychology & Behavior,14 (2), 256-263.

7. Zhao, H., Yang, B., Zhang, Z. (2015). The Attentional Bias in Substance Use Disorder Population. Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence, 4, 308-312.

8. Xiao, Y., Zhang, Z., Song, P., & Yang, B. (2014). Callous unemotional trait: a personality disposition vulnerable to violent crimes. 22(9), 1456-1466.

9. Wang, S. K., Yang, B., & Zhang, Z. (2012). Relationship between low resting heart rate and antisocial behavior. Advances in Psychological Science, 20(2), 256-264.

10.Zhang, Z., Liu, C. H., Yu, Y. Q., Fujimoto, K., Chan, Y. S., & He, J. (2008). Corticofugal projection inhibits the auditory thalamus through the thalamic reticular nucleus. Journal of Neurophysiology, 99(6), 2938-2945.

11.Zhang, Z., Yu, Y. Q., Liu, C. H., Chan, Y. S., & He, J. (2008). Frequency tuning and firing pattern properties of auditory thalamic neurons: an in vivo intracellular recording from the guinea pig. Neuroscience, 154(1), 293-302.

12.Zhang, Z., Luo, Y.J. (2005) Development of event-related potential in clinical neuropsychological application. Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology (China), 14 (1) 48-53.

13.Zhang, Z., Chan, Y. S., & He, J. (2004). Thalamocortical and corticothalamic interaction in the auditory system. Neuroembryology & Aging, 3(4), 239-248.

14.Zhang, Z., Luo, Y.J. (2003) Event-related potentials in emotional studies. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 17 (6) 406-408, 411.


2017-2019 Humanity and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (17YJA190019)

2015-2017 Beijing Municipal Social Science Foundation (15SHB019)

2011-2014 Humanity and Social Science Foundation of China University of Political Science and Law

2010-2013 Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (10YJCXLX063)

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