saba sport

发布人:  发布时间:2020-12-10   点击数:

Personal profile

Yu Yue, male, Doctor.

Department of psychology, School of Social Sciences, China University of political science and law.

Research fields: personality and social psychology, management psychology, health psychology.

Courses offered: social psychology, deviant sociology, personality psychology, psychological research methods, organizational behavior, mental health of college students, human resource management, and psychological film appreciation.


Educational background

Bachelor Degree. Sociology and social work, School of humanities, Beijing University of technology, 2006-2010.

Master Degree. Department of psychology, School of education, Capital Normal University, 2012-2015.

Doctor Degree. Key Laboratory of mental health, Institute of psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015-2018.


1.Yu, Y., Wu, D., Wang, J. M., & Wang, Y. C. (2020). Dark personality, marital quality, and marital instability of Chinese couples: An actor-partner interdependence mediation model. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, 109689.

2.Yu, Y., Wu, Di., Zhang, J.,& F, Ping. (2019) Lyrics only or lyrics with music? The effect of different lyric conditions on prosocial-related outcomes. PsyCh journal, 8(1), 40-42.

3.He, Qiong, Wang, Y., Xing, Y & Yu, Y(Corresponding author). (2018). Dark personality, interpersonal rejection, and marital stability of Chinese couples: An actor-partner interdependence mediation model. Personality and individual difference. 134, 232–238.

4.Yu, Y., Wang, Y., & Zhang, J. (2017). Relationship between work–family balance and job satisfaction among employees in China: A moderated mediation model. PsyCh journal, 6(3), 194-204.

5.Li, X., Zhu, P., Yu, Y., Zhang, J., & Zhang, Z. (2017). The effect of reciprocity disposition on giving and repaying reciprocity behavior. Personality and Individual Differences,. 109, 201-206.

6.Yu Y, Zhang J. (2016). The effect of work-family balance on job satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model. The 31st International Congress of psychology, Yokohama.

7.Yu, Y., Wang, Y., He, Qiong., & Zhang, J. The relationship between Dark triad and relationship satisfaction of couples: the mediating effect of communication frequency.Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2019 (02) :158-160.

8.Yu, Y., He, Qiong., Wang, Y., & Zhang, J. Sex differences in the dark traid and the association with relationship satisfaction. Chinese Journal of Behavior Medical and Brain Science, 2018,27(7).

9.Yu, Y., Zhou, M., Guo, X., He, Qiong., & Zhang, J. Relationship between work-family balance and depression among employees in organization: A cross-lagged regression analysis. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2017, 31(10):820-822+824.

10.Yu, Y., Guo, X., Zhou, M., He, Qiong., & Zhang, J. The Effect of Work-family Balance on Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction:The Moderating of Personality..Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2016,24(03):504-508+513.

11.Yu, Y., Jiang, Y., Fang, P., He, Qiong., Zhang, K.Measurement for Music-induced Emotions and its interacting factors. Studies of Psychology and behavior, 2014, 05:695-700.

12.Zhang, K., Fang, P., Jiang, Y., Yu, Y., Ouyang. Guilt from the perspective of morality: An intergrated review. Advances in Psychological Science, 2014,10:1628-1636.

13.Qian, G, Fang, P.,Hu, Xiao., Chen, Hai., Yu, Y..The effect of attention on emotional memory under pressure encode. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2014,03:393-396.

14.Qian, G, Guo, Q.,Li, Y., Yu, Y. Jiang. S. The effect of emotional intelligence on the Doctor-patient relationship: the mediaing effect of emotional labor. Medical and Philosophy. 2019, (2), 33-35.


1.The Ministry of science and technology 863 Project: the establishment of a comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and prediction system for sub-health status in China.(2015-2017).

2.Projects funded by the Natural Science Foundation: the prediction of the performance of different six occupational factors for different occupational groups.(2015-2017).

3.Special projects of the Ministry of Education: early training of innovative talents.(2015-2016).

4.Innovation fund of China University of political science and Law: Research on parenting and family happiness in a two child family.(2020-2022).

5.Young teachers funding program of China University of political science and law.(2020-2022).

6.The construction of Ideological and political course of China University of political science and law: social psychology.(2020-2022).

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