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Wang Guofang
发布人:  发布时间:2020-12-10   点击数:


Department of  Psychology, School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law(CUPL), Beijing.

Xueyuanlu Campus: 25 Xitucheng Rd. Haidian District, Beijing, China,100088.


Research Interests

the Theory and Schools of psychology, Emotional regulation and mental health, counseling and psychotherapy


Ph.D. in General Psychology, July, 2000.Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Province.

M.A. in General Psychology, July, 1997. Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Province.

B.A. in School Education, July, 1991.  Qufu Normal University, Shangdong province.

Professional Affiliations

1. Chinese Psychological Society (CPS)

2.Theoretical Psychology & History of Psychology Professional Committee, Chinese Psychological Society

3.Legal Psychology Professional Committee(secretary-general), CPS

Academic  Employment

2005-present:  Associate professor, Master-Student’s Adviser,the School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law.

2004-2005:   Associate professor, Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University.

1997-2003:    Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University.

1991-1994,  Teaching Assistant,Shangdong Binzhou Normal School.

Grant Activity

Title: Research on Lacan’s Postmodern Psychoanalysis. (206805.)

Investigator: Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: Internal Grant: Nanjing Normal University

Budget: 6000¥  1997-1999

Title: Research on the Philosophy Basis of Modern Psychology(98SJBXLX002)

Investigator: Guo, B.Yu. & Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: External Grant: Jiangsu Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

Budget: 10000¥ 1998---2000

Title: The New Progress of the Contemporary Psychoanalysis(L3-026)

Investigator: Guo, B.Yu. &Wang, G.F.

Sponsor:External Grant: Jiangsu Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

Budget:20000¥  2001-2004.

Title:Using Play Therapy As a main Psychotherapy Method in China Children.(02SJBXLX002)

Investigator: Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: Juangsu Province Office of Education

Budget:10000¥   2002-2004

Title: Research on the Mentality of Juvenile delinquents and its intervention strategy(BBA050012)

Investigator: Luo,D.H. & Zheng, H.L. & Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: External Grant: National Office for Education Science Planning

Budget: 7,0000¥ 2006-2008

Title: Research on the Attitude of Different Sociogroup during the process of maintaining Social Stability(06BSH042)

Investigator: Ma,Ai & Zheng, H.L. &Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: External Grant: National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

Budget: 10,0000¥ 2006-2008

Title: Research on the Attitude and Evaluate the Crime Risk of Termer’s Children In Beijing(09BeSH055)

Investigator: Wang, G.F. & Ma,Ai & Zheng, H.L.

Sponsor:External Grant: Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

Budget:8,0000¥   2009-2011

Title: Research on the mechanism and Strategy of people's mediation to resolve conflicts at grassroots level(15SHB018)

Investigator: Wang, G.F.

Sponsor: External Grant: Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science

Budget: 8,0000¥   2015-2019

Selected Publications

1.Wang, G.F.(1998). Research on the Category of History of Psychological Thinking in China. Exploration of Psychology. No.1, 25-30.

2.Wang, G.F. (1999).The Therapy Thought of Structuralist Psychoanalysis. Medicine and Philosophy, No.3, Vol.20, 55-57.

3.Wang, G.F. (1999). Hermeneutics Methodology and Modern Psychology  of the West. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition), No.4(Sum No. 103),80-85.

4.Wang, G.F. (2000).A Overview on the Play Therapy of Child Psycho-analysis. Journal of Developments in Psychology, No.4(Sum No.62),Vol.8,29-33.

5.Wang, G.F. (2001).Paranoid-Schizoid Position and Depressive Position--On Klein's idea about the child mental structure. Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition), No.1(Sum No. 113),104-108.

6.Wang, G.F. (2001). Comments on Lacan’s Structuralist Psychoanalysis.Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science),No.4(Sum No.120),Vol.30.62-66.

7.Wang, G.F. (2001). Attempt to Analysis the Psychoanalytic thoughts of Object -Relation School. Exploration of Psychology. No.3(General No.79),V0l.21,7-11.

8.Wang, G.F. (2002). Research on the Present Situation of Klein’s Object-Relations Theory. Journal of Shandong Teachers’ University(Humanities and Social Sciences),No.3(General No.182),V0l.47.

9.Wang, G.F. & Zhang, X.W.(2003). Critics on the Subject Theory of Structural Psychoanalysis. Educational Research and Experiment.No.4(General No.85),39-42,52.

10.Wang, G.F. (2006).Control and hostility: the Core Factors in Initiating Aggressive Action. In: Ma,Ai eds. Research on the Criminal and Forensic Psychology. CUPL Press. 73-81.

11.Wang, G.F. (2006). Analysis the Consistency between the methodological system of Criminal Psychology and the Integration trend of psychology. In: Ma,Ai eds. Research on the Criminal and Forensic Psychology. CUPL Press.446-453.

12.Wang, G.F. (2007). Klein’s Contributions to the Foundation and Development of Object -Relation School. Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Social Science Edition), No.5(Sum No.153),105-110.

13.Wang, G.F. Yang X.H., MEARNS Jack (2014).The Effects of Role Stress and Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies on Work Engagement in Prison police:Proactive Coping as a mediator. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. No6(Sum No.22),1095-1098.

14.Wang, G.F. ,Han P, Yagn X. (2014).The Revision of Chinese Version of Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies Scale in College Students. Chinese Mental Health Journal. Vol. 28, No.11,875-879.

15.Wang, GF; Mearns, J; Yang, XH; Han, P; Catanzaro, SJ.(2019). Measuring generalised expectancies for negative mood regulation in China: The Chinese language Negative Mood Regulation scale. International Journal of Psychology .Vol. 54, No.2,223-231.

Books & Chapters

1.Wang, G.F. & Zhu, H.F. (Eds.)(1994). Brief Textbook of Psychology. Qingdao:Petroleum Industry Press, China.

2.Wang, G.F. & Guo, B.Y.(1997). Lacan. Taibei:Sheng-Chih Book Co. Ltd., Taiwan.

3.Guo, B.Y. & Wang, G.F. (1999) (Trans.). The Story of Man’s Mind. Nanjing:Jiangsu People’s Publishing House.

4.Wang, G.F. (2001), Translation 3 Chapters, In Guo, B.Y. Tran., Born That Way. (pp. 67-91). Nanjing:Jiangsu People’s Publishing House.

5. Wang, G.F.(2000). Wrote 2 Chapters, In Yang, X.H.(Ed.), General History of Psychology. (pp. 67-91). Jinan:Shandong Education Press.

6.  Wang, G.F.(2006). Wrote 3 Chapters, In Ye, H.Sh. (Ed.), General History of Psychology. (pp. 67-91). Beijing:Beijing Normal University Press.

7. Wang, G.F.(2009). The Meaning of Unconsciousness—Psychoanalysis. Jinan:Shandong Education Press.

8. Wang, G.F.& Lv,YJ.(2011).Creation and Development of the Theory of Object Relations: Klein and Bion Studies. Fujian Education Press.

9. Wang, G.F. Postmodern psychoanalysis: Lacan research. Fujian Education Press,2019.

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